My hair began to fall out on weekends in 2015, around Labor Day.
It is fair to say losing my hair was one of those painful points, I was mortified.
I remember one of my girlfriends once asked “Why does it matter if you wear wigs and hair extensions?”. “But I had a choice,” I replied. Now I’m bald, and it’s not my fault. I can’t wear my hair because I don’t have any.”
I didn’t expect sympathy from anyone, but I definitely expected empathy.
Cancer patients as a whole are not looking for sympathy; we are very strong, resilient and very determined.
Just this weekend, I had lunch with another cancer survivor who told me that everyone she knew cried when they lost their hair. This, I believe, is one of the most emotional aspects of this journey.
No one in my family, and no one outside of my family, had ever seen me without my hair.
When I was in treatment, I was very good at concealing my pain and emotional scars. I have learnt that it is not necessary to hide or be embarrassed.
This is all part of the journey, and whether I have hair or not, I am still me and part of my journey.
The brain is an organ made up of many cells , hair loss is a sign that the chemotherapy is working.
This was eight years ago, and for those who prefer this routine, we now have the cold cap, which can reduce hair loss.