Trials Of Color

Clarence Hannon Virginia Educational Funds!!


Clarence Hannon Virginia Education Funds is a need base/merit financial support, awarded to US freshmen students in Virginia and international students from developing countries. It is set up in honor of Clarence Hannon, brother of the founder of Trials of Color, Sharon Rivera-Sanchez, who died 37 days after his diagnosis in November 2021 from Colon Cancer.

The Clarence Hannon Virginia Education Funds is opened to full-time graduate students whose proposed major/research is based on Clinical Studies, Health, Advocacy, Cancer research. Also, school supplies will be given to freshmen admitted to any University in Virginia. International students from Africa and citizens from Haiti are also eligible.

All awards/funding is based on available funds & supplies.

Trials of Color is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, dedicated to advocating for diversity in clinical trials, awareness and prevention, early screening for colon & breast cancer as well as advocate on behalf of African American and other underserved minority communities that have resource-deprived cancer survivors.

The sole reason behind our initiative is that many minority communities are not sufficiently represented in critical clinical trials, and do not have equal access to quality care.

Trials of Color supports students who are passionate about advancing ways to enhance the understanding of clinical trials, breast and colon cancer in the world through advocacy.

While we are at the forefront of advocating for diversity in clinical trials, colon and breast cancer awareness and prevention, we are passionate about helping international students who have desires to be change makers within the health sector succeed.

Why apply?

The goal of this project is to support US freshmen students with school supplies and African students in their efforts to improve their understanding on clinical trials, health communication and cancer research in order to be a change in their home country after their studies.

Eligible Countries:

US, African countries and Haiti.

Acceptable Course or Subjects: The scholarship will be awarded for master’s programs on areas that are addressing health communication issues and cancer research as well as promote initiative for diversity in clinical research.

Admissible Criteria:

To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:

The applicant must be admitted as a freshmen student in a university based in Virginia, must be a full-time international graduate student admitted into a university in the state of Virginia before being awarded school supplies and funds. He/She must be a permanent resident of the United States, African country, Haiti and must show experience of demonstrated community work in cancer advocacy/research.

How to Apply

Please fill out the form below to apply:


The Clarence Hannon Virginia Education Funds is a yearly award which includes partial tuition of graduate studies.